First of all, sorry for the mini-hiatus! Had to study study study for my finals! And FINALLY today it is all OVER! Just took my last exam today and now I am freeeeeeeee woman! At last! No more studying, no more stress.. for now!
I have mixed emotions though. It really hasn’t sunken in that I will be graduating in like 2 weeks. Cliché as it sounds, it seems just like yesterday that senior year started, that I was a freshman, a sophomore, and a junior. Time REALLY does fly. I can’t believe high school is almost over.
This year has been full of “lasts.” Last fair, last KKK, last UTs & TEs, last year to wear uniform…. and last year with the BEST BATCH EVER and going to school in what has been my home for 13 years. 🙁 For every special “last” moment or even just a simple moment where everyone in my class is so sabaw and just being our usual selves, I pause and try to absorb everything. I try to capture the moment and embed it my heart because I never want to forget it. It’s like I’m holding my breath underwater, trying to see all the beautiful fishes and shells, my friends, teachers, and classmates, but I can’t see them forever because I my lose my breath and I have to go up. I have to get out of the water and move on. /sorry for the dramatic/fail/weird analogy
I’m not exactly good with words (as you can see) and I don’t think my words can fully express how I feel, so I’ll just share you a part of one of the most beautiful poems I’ve read, that we took up in English class (if you don’t want to pre-empt the meaning of the poem, don’t continue reading) that I just wanted to share with you all.
(Photo from Tumblr)
Have Ithaca always in your mind.
Your arrival there is what you are destined for.
But don’t in the least hurry the journey.
Better it last for years,
so that when you reach the island you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaca to give you wealth.
Ithaca gave you a splendid journey.
Without her you would not have set out.
She hasn’t anything else to give you.-“Ithaca” by Constatine Cavafy
So beautiful right? I suggest you read the whole poem!
I think that my Ithaca in high school was graduating and getting into my dream college. It was long, hard and challenging, but it was also a fun, exciting and amazing journey. Now that I have reached my destination, I now have a new goal, a new Ithaca.
(Photo from Tumblr)
For those who are still in their journey in high school. Enjoy it, make the most out of it. I think there is truth in the saying, “high school years are the best years of your life.” Even though I haven’t experienced college and life after high school, I don’t think anything can replace all the memories I’ve had and friends I’ve made in high school. So for those still on the way to their own Ithaca, “pray that the road is long.” Don’t rush, learn from your mistakes, live with no regrets, but never forget your goal. Never forget your Ithaca.
Sorry for this drama, non-fashion/food related post (and sorry in advance for my post-grad post). Just wanted to have this post that I can look back too one day. One day. 🙂